
Showing posts from October, 2010

Out of the Closet

Hello. My name is Chris. I have a soon-to-be 28 month old, and I still breast feed her . Phew! That was hard work, but the news is out. For some of you, this isn't news at all. For others, it might be, and you might be asking, "Why is this lady posting this? Isn't that under the category of TMI?" Well, yes and no. I am posting just so people like me understand that there are people like them out there. Did I think that I'd be nursing my 2 year old child? No, not in a million years. My plans were to go 12 months, then 15. The kid NEVER took a bottle, so just to keep peace in the house, I then said that 18 months was a good cutoff. That time came and went, and 2 years seemed like a good age to wean her...over the summer, to heck with sleep routines. However, I needed to sleep. And that, my friend, is the underlying issue here. I sleep better when said child sleeps better, and therefore, we still nurse. Lesson #1: SLEEP IS NOT OVERRATED. Parents --...


So we finally know why were up at 4:45 am last Friday. Melina had a low grade fever all weekend, and I took her into the doctor on Monday, just to check things out (it was day 5 of fever, after all). The doctor thought perhaps she could have a sinus infection. She did say, "Does she cough at all? And if so, is it barky ?" My answer was no. That afternoon, things changed. Melina's temperature soared, she wouldn't eat. The fever blister on her lip got bigger, and she whispered when she tried to talk! Overnight, we had to strip her and keep a washcloth on her forehead. I had the fan going, just trying to keep her cool. By Tuesday, her fever had come down, but she started coughing. The barky cough. I monitored her that afternoon and all night (hard to sleep when you want to make sure your child is breathing), but I figured I'd call to see if there was something I needed to do. After hearing the severity of the situation, the nurse on the phone (on Wedne...

Confessions II

We've been up since 4:45 am. Despite what is supposed to be a beautiful day, odds are we spend lots of time today curled up in front of the television. I often wonder why Melina can only count up to 3. Some kids this age count past that. I can't really remember if the other kids could count past that at 27 months, and to be honest, she has no NEED to count past that. Still, I wonder. I am really glad we tackled potty training so early. I enjoy not having to change diapers (I don't mind them at bed time), and can't imagine going backwards. The girls are going to be 9 in January! Where did the time go, and am I ready for this? I remember (ready for the TMI) that during my ninth year (I think toward the end), things started changing with my body. In a way, I want to let them know all of that before it happens. On the other hand, I find myself dragging my feet. I usually drink a cup of coffee each day: 2/3 decaf, 1/3 regular. Do you think I just might sneak a lit...