Funny thing happened this past week. Not once, but twice. I was out with the kids at a local eatery (nothing fancy...the kind that serves not-so-healthy chicken and deep-fried potatoes), when a young lady strolls up to us and says, "Are they all yours?" What? I smiled, and nodded, all the while thinking that several kids from a nearby table MUST have latched onto my coat or something. When did having four kids become fodder for, "Are they all yours?" Apparently, four kids will get that reaction because the next day (literally, the next day), Tim and I were out with the kids and again, "Are they all yours?" According to the U.S. Census Bureau (and I would put a link here, but I haven't yet investigated how to do that, and to be honest, just getting this post on here is a feat in and of itself due to time constraints), the number of kids per household is about 2 (give or take a little). Okay, so we are two above that. But what if we were 3 above ...