Music to my ears
We finally have a piano. I say "finally" because I have wanted a piano for so long, but we just never got around to purchasing one. Okay, maybe it was really that we were grad students living on grad student budgets for quite awhile, and living in a two bedroom apartment with twins. I grew up in a house with a beautiful baby grand piano, and a baby grand is what I would ultimately like to get some day. In the meantime, however, we found a nice-sounding spinet piano that fits where the the pack-n-play used to be. Don't worry, we didn't trade Melina for the piano; she takes her naps upstairs now.
The kids are enjoying it, and the only rule we have with respect to piano playing (so far), is not to play when Melina is sleeping. Well, I guess the kids aren't supposed to pick up the piano key cover by two rules. I include a picture of Zoe, Talia, and Aaron doing their best impersonations of Chopin.

On another note, we took some great pictures of all the kids, which I share here so that all the aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, great-aunts and uncles, friends, and random people can see their smiling faces.

Come visit anytime!
The kids are enjoying it, and the only rule we have with respect to piano playing (so far), is not to play when Melina is sleeping. Well, I guess the kids aren't supposed to pick up the piano key cover by two rules. I include a picture of Zoe, Talia, and Aaron doing their best impersonations of Chopin.
On another note, we took some great pictures of all the kids, which I share here so that all the aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, great-aunts and uncles, friends, and random people can see their smiling faces.
Come visit anytime!