Melina turns 2!
This past weekend, Melina celbrated her second birthday! Time flies, that is for sure. We had a lovely party complete with many family members. Thanks for those of you who could make it! I don't have too much time to post now, but I will throw a couple of pictures here.
Melina loves snails, so I attempted to make what looked like a snail. In my mind, it looked better, especially the face. If I tried it again, I would make the design more refined. Did Melina care? No. Alls well that ends well, right?

Clearly, the little beast likes the cake. Melina let us put a clip in her hair, so this is one of the very few pictures where you can see her face. She reminds me of me at that age; I'll have to scan in an old picture of mine sometime.

Part of the fun was heading to the pool. Melina was not in this picture, but we did manage to get Ava (far left) and Eliana (second from left) in the picture. And while none of you will be able to tell who is Zoe and who is Talia (Z left, T right), clearly, the redhead is Aaron.

Melina loves snails, so I attempted to make what looked like a snail. In my mind, it looked better, especially the face. If I tried it again, I would make the design more refined. Did Melina care? No. Alls well that ends well, right?

Clearly, the little beast likes the cake. Melina let us put a clip in her hair, so this is one of the very few pictures where you can see her face. She reminds me of me at that age; I'll have to scan in an old picture of mine sometime.

Part of the fun was heading to the pool. Melina was not in this picture, but we did manage to get Ava (far left) and Eliana (second from left) in the picture. And while none of you will be able to tell who is Zoe and who is Talia (Z left, T right), clearly, the redhead is Aaron.
