An Easier Week Than the Last One!

A good Friday to you all. Lots of things have been tumbling around in my head, most of them not worth sharing. But every once in a while, I think it is nice to just purge things from within. Lucky you, today is the day!

We have had power all week. Melina has been ecstatic about that fact; she repeatedly tells me that the refrigerator is now plugged in, and that the TV works! "And my hands aren't cold, Mom!" I heard that quite a bit this week.

I am proud to say (and somewhat almost deflated at how long this is taking) that Melina is on her way to being weaned. I keep the nursing at nap time, as I think if I take it away, then nap time will not occur. That scenario is just not acceptable to me at this time! The nursing at bedtime is still there, but once she is done, I go help put the others to bed, and she falls asleep on her own. The problem we are having is with the 3:09 am nursing session. For 3 days in a row, I have gone into her room, told her "the mommy milk is sleeping" and offered to at least rest with her. For 3 days in a row, that stubborn child cries, asks politely for mommy milk, and then alternates between fidgeting and whining for 75 minutes. Each day, I wonder why I am so tired, and then I remember the wee hours of the morning. I am hoping that by day 5 or so, we just skip the ordeal all together. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, I have been sneaking a bit more regular coffee into my usual cup of decaf.

Aaron has been doing quite a bit of reading lately. He has always enjoyed being read to, but he finally is at the point where he can read pretty well on his own. He is currently reading aloud one of Ron Roy's books, "The Talking T-Rex" and loves it.

Speaking of reading, I have this zany idea to actually start teaching Melina to read. While it is a bit early, she actually seems ready. She knows her letters and knows many of the sounds. She also sits down for many minutes at a time and recites the books she knows out loud, or even makes up the stories. She once asked it I could teach her to read. I might see what happens if we start, and if she has no interest, than so be it.

The state of my face as of late is distressing to me. I have dry skin all year long, and the cold week we had indoors last week has been disastrous to my epidermis! The fine lines and wrinkles are starting to manifest vividly, and the more I worry, the more they will show, I guess. I'll be 40 (!) in a couple of years. Add that thought to thinking about the the actual wrinkles, and it surprises me that I don't fixate more on fixing myself up.

Talia and Zoe have a wonderful art teacher, Mr. H. The girls absolutely love him and claim that the man is "awesome." I told him they thought so when I saw him the other day. One of Talia's pieces has been selected by Mr. H. to be shown in the local art show at the high school. Zoe hopes that someday one of her pieces is selected, too.

Because of the sun, Melina is convinced that it is spring. She ran around the house this morning shouting, "We have sun! It is spring!" I wonder if we will need to deal with seasonal-affective disorder and that one.

Along the same line as spring, Melina has been talking about the pool. She is so convinced that the pool will open soon, that she has decided to wear her bathing suit around the house. Since it is still chilly, she acquiesces to wearing a t-shirt underneath the suit, along with socks and shoes. The whole getup, in fact, makes her look like a pretty ballerina. But if you tell her that, she just says, "I'm Hermione." I can't recall one place in any of the Harry Potter books where Hermione had on her bathing suit, so I am not quite sure how this came about.

Happy Weekend!


Kelsey said…
Melina is so sweet - although it makes me sad that she's exclaiming that her hands aren't cold. Poor thing - glad you're warm now!

I can't believe that you are still waking in the middle of the night - not because I don't think you should, just because I have serious doubts about my ability to function under similar circumstances.

I can't believe Aaron is reading A to Z on his own! He's made a big jump - if Harper likes to read half as much as I did as a kid I'm in for a lot less, "I don't know what to do!" moments from her.

I know you've used other things with the kids in the past, but let me know if you get to a point where you'd want to borrow some of the BOB books for Melina let me know. I thought those worked really well when Harper was getting comfortable w/ reading. Michael still thinks every letter is M so I don't think we'll be needing them for a while!
TamiJ said…
Virgin, unrefined coconut oil for your skin. Can also use to cook in place of butter/margarine/shortening. I buy a gallon bucket from and it takes me about 10 months to use it all. Cost with shipping is around $60. It solidifies at about 76 degrees and becomes liquid at higher temp. I love it!