On Writing

Dear Mr. King:

I picked up your memoir, On Writing, from the library, and read it with rapt attention.  You are as good at writing non-fiction as you are fiction, which just means I am more in awe of you.

I agreed with many of the points you raised, and will find them useful when I am working on the drafts of my manuscript(s).

I did stumble at one point, though.  You said, and I paraphrase here, that a draft should take about 3 months to write.  If only, I thought.  And then I realized my easy solution.  If you would care to come out and take care of my children (it is okay if you scare them a bit with the bedtime stories), I would be able to get my draft accomplished.

Thank you for writing, for your insight, and for taking the time to read my letter.

