
It has been almost 8 months since Ferdinand left us. 

Lucy seems to be better, as if he has adjusted to having his best friend gone. The kids and I have also become accustomed to life without a good friend. I have no idea about Shadow or Tim. Neither of them speak much.

But today, as I stepped down into the family room, I glanced up to see a cat, partially silhouetted by the sun shining through the door. His body faced the outside, his face looked at me. And though I knew it was Lucy sitting there, my head played tricks on me. He looked like Ferdinand. In fact, before I registered everything, I would swear up and down that Ferdinand had come back. No sooner had I looked and the sun shifted. Ferdinand was gone.

I know, I know. You are laughing in your seat (I'm looking at you, Tim). Ferdinand was not there today, you say. Lucy and Ferdinand were litter mates for goodness sakes! They looked alike! It would be like Zoe or Talia sitting in front of the door and mistaking one for the other. Maybe to some, but Zoe and Talia, while identical, are distinct persons; Ferdinand and Lucy, simply litter mates and not identical, are (were?) also distinct animals.  It was easy to see the difference between them, in body and face.  And I know what I saw today.

So I am choosing to believe. Perhaps there was a reason for Ferdinand to visit today. Maybe he just wanted to say hi. Maybe today's weather mimicked that which we had on the day the Grim Reaper visited and it reminded him of us. It is also possible, should you believe in such a thing, he is crossing on to the great beyond and wanted to say a final goodbye. Who knows? I certainly don't. Since I don't have any evidence to the contrary, I'm calling it like I see it. 


T said…
FRN was not laughing. I teared up. Wench.

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