Early last week, I attended a makeup class. Yes, yes, I did. I ATTENDED A MAKEUP CLASS. When we had to go around and introduce ourselves to the class, indicating our level of makeup talent, I said, "Hi. My name is Christina. I wore lipstick to my wedding 15 years ago. And that's where I stand." I may have said "Chris" instead of "Christina," but I can't remember what I ate for lunch yesterday much less remember the exact words from over a week ago. Anyway, I digress... So I'm sure you're wondering why I even bothered with a makeup class. After almost 42 years, I simply wanted to know what to do and how to do it right. Plus, I take the girls to Beth to get their eyebrows waxed from time to time, and she's so nice, I wanted to support her and her business. (I am not kidding when I tell you she didn't ask me to write that.) The question is, did I learn anything? Yes, yes, I did. I learned that applying makeup really is an art and...