We managed to get through Thanksgiving with seven adults, six children, two cats, and one dog in the house. There were no arguments about politics. Nobody got food poisoning (hey, that's a risk you run when you have two vegetarians cook the turkey for Thanksgiving). And everyone had a place to sleep. It was nice having everyone here. Ok, that and it was nice that we didn't have to stuff the children in the car for a 6+ hour trip and find someone to take care of the pets while we were gone.
Zoe and Talia were fascinated with the process of carving the turkey -- not the meat itself, but the bones. They wanted to collect all the bones and put the turkey skeleton back together. They completely get this from their mom, but I will admit that it's pretty cool that you can separate the vertebrae and see the spinal cord inside. That was nifty.
Because of scheduing conflicts with naps, feedings, diapers, and walks, we never did get all six kids in the same spot at the same time for a photograph, but here are five of them.
I'm channeling Tevye here (from left to right in the picture): mine, not mine, mine, mine, not mine. In addition to not being able to get all six kids in a picture, I think there's a theorem that places an upper bound on the number of children in any picture who will (a) have their eyes open, (b) be looking at the camera, and (c) be smiling. I conjecture that the upper bound is not strictly a number, but a function of the median age and age variance of the children. In our situation, the least upper bound seems to be between two and four.
But enough math... since Melina was left out, she gets her very own picture.

And I would be remiss if I didn't include a picture of the actual Thanksgiving-like festivities, so here are Z & T with the drumsticks, which ought to please my mom to no end.
Zoe and Talia were fascinated with the process of carving the turkey -- not the meat itself, but the bones. They wanted to collect all the bones and put the turkey skeleton back together. They completely get this from their mom, but I will admit that it's pretty cool that you can separate the vertebrae and see the spinal cord inside. That was nifty.
Because of scheduing conflicts with naps, feedings, diapers, and walks, we never did get all six kids in the same spot at the same time for a photograph, but here are five of them.

But enough math... since Melina was left out, she gets her very own picture.

And I would be remiss if I didn't include a picture of the actual Thanksgiving-like festivities, so here are Z & T with the drumsticks, which ought to please my mom to no end.
