Yummy, counterpoint

In this post, Chris mentioned not being a fan of feeding a baby. I love it. I enjoy putting a spoonful of some random vegetable & milk mush into Melina's mouth, watching how much of it comes back out, catching the expelled bits on the spoon, and putting it back in the ring for a second go around. And then a third, and then a fourth. Sometimes while she's gumming a spoonful of stuff, she'll put her index and middle fingers in her mouth. I don't even mind when she takes those two sticky, slobbery fingers and grabs for me or for the spoon I'm holding.

I don't mind that it changes the consistency and (especially this) the smell of her poop.

I don't mind that afterwards, she has crusty bits of dried food on her face, under her chin, on her eyebrows, and up her nose, but not on her fingers. They've been in her mouth and are still sticky and gooey.

But that's just me. I'm ok with messes and filth and squalor.


TamiJ said…
I'm so glad that there are people out there who can deal with baby feeding. I cannot. Like Chris, that was my least favorite thing to do with my 2 kids. It was always a test in patience for me. I had an agenda (getting the baby fed) and I had other things to do. It always slowed me down 10 times what I expected plus it always added more work. I was so glad to get through that short phase that felt like it took forever to get past!

Craig and I rolled with laughter at the mobster baby photo too. Thanks for sharing!