Homeschooling (and Bones)

I have a friend, currently expecting number 6 in the Fall, who homeschools. My sister homeschools for preschool. Tim has a coworker who's wife homeschools all of their children. I have thought about homeschooling in the past, but I just didn't think I could handle it. Furthermore, I thought the twins especially would benefit from the social interaction that public school provides.

Recently, however, I have been revisiting the idea of actually homeschooling the kids. Why? I love our schools, and I love the teachers, but I do think our educational system lacks many things. I consistently complain to Tim about one thing or another, and I often supplement the kids' learning at home. This subject could of course be another whole post, but I don't feel like going into all of my thoughts about the US educational system. Do I think that I could give them a better education? Yes, I really do think that I can for many subjects. And therefore, I just might.

I can't fathom having my act together in order to teach these kids at home in the fall. So, I plan on doing the following. First, I am going to speak with my friend with the almost 6 kids, and see what she finds are the pros and cons of homeschooling. I also plan on talking to a student of mine who was successfully home schooled. I know that she truly enjoyed the experience, and feels that her parents did it "the right way." Finally, I obtained a name from colleague at work of a woman that worked full-time and still home schooled all of her children. I'd love to hear how she did it all, and what worked best for her family. I am particularly interested in what she has to say, considering I don't have any plans to leave teaching.

As of right now, I am just gathering information, but I am going to teach the kids religious education next year at home, instead of sending them to the program through our church. I figure it is my foray into the homeschool method, and just a dip might give me a taste of what the experience is like. I'll obviously update you on my progress, or lack thereof!

And just a Melina funny that I had to share.

We've been snuggling for a bit before nap and bedtime. She likes to put her head against mine and pretend we are sleeping. Last week, she placed her hand against my breast.

Melina: Your breast is soft. And squishy.
Me: Yep, it is squishy.
Melina: MOM! [Her eyes are wide open, with a look of alarm on them.] You have no bones!!

This kid keeps us in stitches. I kid you not.
