We bought a new computer -- a laptop to be exact -- mostly for my use. I am enjoying the laptop, although I have yet to move it from the spot where the old computer is. What then, was the point of getting a laptop, right? Never mind. It will move. Tim set the whole computer up for me, complete with password for logon. When the kids want to use the computer, they come to me and I type in the password. "Mom," one of the kids said the other day. "We are going to figure out your password. We already have the letter O." Sure enough, there on the whiteboard in the kitchen, the kids had made a list of letters for my password. The big black O stood out against the white on the wall. I smiled. O is not a letter in my password. "We have more letters, mom!" I heard Aaron say yesterday. And they do. The list now includes the following: E, F, M, L, and of course, the O. Apparently, each time I type in the password,...