Oh What a Feeling

Every once in a while, I like to look and see what we were doing a few years ago. The blog is a great way to do that, so I'm glad we started it. (By we, I mean Tim and I. But really, Tim started it. I perpetuated it. I'll still say we, though.) So just for kicks, I looked back at February 2009. We didn't write much then. I didn't have time, as Melina was not even a year old yet. And that meant that we had two kids in second grade, a kid in preschool, and a baby. Nope, not much time to do anything really. But I found this post by Tim, where he talks about our bookworms.

A warm feeling engulfs my chest when I realize that all four of our kids have blossomed into bookworms. Gone are the days where we need to read to them. We still do read to them, especially Melina, but it's not necessary.

In fact, now, I have to threaten to take away the books because instead of doing math, the kids are curled on the couch, book in hand. It doesn't matter if they've read the book before, or if it's fiction, nonfiction, fantasy, or science fiction. If the item has words, they will read it.

Math is important, too, kids, I say, as I reach for the book and close it. But deep down, I know the feeling that reading gives them. And what a feeling it is.

“Reading is dreaming with open eyes.” ~ YoYo


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