Tell Me How You Really Feel: 25

I know that yesterday I took the easy way out and just posted a picture. I had no intention of doing the same today, except that yesterday, I saw this quote posted, and found myself really thinking about what it said.
You see, lately, I've been ruminating on the people in my life and whether or not the circle of friends I thought were friends actually are friends. I know, I know I've done this before, possibly many times. But as you can probably infer from the quote, I do give people more chances than they deserve. I go back and ask and ask and ask if they want to get together for dinner, if I can help them in any way, or if they want to come over and play. They say yes and then don't get back to me. And I give them another chance. (Ok. I know you're wondering about me. Am I the problem? I could be, for some. But for others, when they see me and exclaim how happy they are to see me, over and over? I have to wonder if they aren't the problem.) So when I finally figure out that uh, no, they don't really want to bother with me (or they do, but they can't find time for me), then I'm done. And by done, I mean done. Just like Ominek says.

If you're reading this, I'm not done with you. Not by a long shot.


T said…
You're bound by blood to me. By blood!!!!
Unknown said…
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Christina said…
We will find time, Barbara, because we always do!! (Let's talk about this tomorrow...)

And yes, FRN, I couldn't get rid of you even if I tried. :)
Unknown said…
Well thank goodness!
Tanstaafl said…
Amen! I was just thinking about the same... A slightly different take, but yes, I have been wondering myself. I certainly think we should spend more time energy with people that want to spend it with us than pursue (eventual) unhappiness.
Tanstaafl said…
Btw. Someone owes me a few times and dates; coughfrncough