(2016 NaNoWriMo) Captain's Log, Day 24

How did my day go?

When day 24 lands on Thanksgiving, you can imagine why I didn't get much NaNoWriMo writing done. But unlike last year, when I only managed 66 words on Thanksgiving, this year, I keyed in 1009 new words. I'm not sure it helped out Just Be very much, but I'm thankful I had the time to write for a little bit. I'm also thankful for my family, for my friends who are like family, card games that keep us laughing, and bellies full of wonderful food. 

And on that note (and this time, just like last year), I thought I'd let someone else say a little something about gratitude. For it is important to be grateful every day of your life, not just on Thanksgiving Day. This year, we're going simple:
When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.
~Willie Nelson
