Long Week

Today is Thursday. The school week started on Monday. (I know I'm telling you facts that might seem obvious, but you'll see why I do so in a minute.) Since Monday, Aaron has:
  1. Forgotten his math homework at school. (She told me to put it in my math folder. So I did. Did I look at it to see what it was? Uh, no.)
  2. Forgotten his planner and homework folder at school. (Can we go get them, Mom? I have homework to do.)
  3. Forgotten his folder here at home, in the morning. (Should we take it to him? Yes, yes. He has assignments to turn in and a project to work on.)
If I had forgotten three major items in my day job, my students would be all over me. If had done the same here at home, my kids wouldn't let me live it down, plus, they'd be disappointed in me. If I did the same over at Literary Mama, I'm sure the senior editors would have something to say. The kid needs to learn to keep his crap together, not get sidetracked by a shoelace (really, this happened), and most importantly, know that I won't bail him out every time.

Three strikes, kid. I guess you're out. And yes, this has been a long week. (Even though it's really only been three full days.)


Tanstaafl said…
I can cut and paste the Singaporean legal code section on caning if you wish it. We could also go with the little used method of "choosing your own switch" a la Adrian Peterson. Or the tried and proven favorite of my childhood "kneeing on a washboard and holding your knuckles to be whapped with chopsticks"

Let me know what Aaron chooses, and tell him I promised his Dad to make sure bodies are not found.
Christina said…
While all are fine alternatives, I think I'll choose "none of the above." :)

Come visit when you have time. Our door is open.
Tanstaafl said…
it is definitely on my wish list. How much notice do you need?
Christina said…
We don't need any notice, really. You say when.