The Same, But Different: Part I
Tim and I were discussing the twins this morning, and our discussion really got me thinking about our life with them. Zoe and Talia, being identical twins, are so much alike, it can be scary. At the same time, though, they are so different. I have probably written down all the details about this in my head, but I think the girls might like to revisit their story , and so I am going to try to be brief when I post about the last (almost) 9 years.
Tim and I were in grad school when I discovered I was pregnant. We had no plans to get pregnant, but we clearly had thrown caution to the wind. I still remember the trembling in my hands and the butterflies in my stomach as I tested my urine. I didn't have to wait -- the line showed up immediately. I really didn't know what to feel, but I headed to the bedroom to tell Tim. He was shocked, I think, but excited.
At my first visit, everything went well. I was very healthy, and everything seemed to be going fine. I had all-day morning sickness, but nothing that was unmanageable. The midwife couldn't hear the heartbeat at my 10 week visit, but at that point, the uterine artery is so noisy, it didn't scare her. She suggested that I might be measuring a little high, but that perhaps one of the following applied:
1. I was not certain about the date of the last menstrual period.
2. I had uterine fibroids.
3. I was a small person.
4. I was carrying twins.
I wasn't measuring so high -- we didn't decide to get an early ultrasound. At 13 weeks, and just before we were to head out to Pennsylvania, I had some spotting. The midwives took me in, checked everything, and tried to find the heartbeat. I heard it. Emphasis on IT. We only heard one. The midwife that day said she thought I was measuring a bit high, too, but she was not concerned. In retrospect, I probably should have demanded an early ultrasound.
The 14 week visit went by, we still only heard one heartbeat. Things were progressing well, and so we scheduled the 19 week ultrasound for just before the 19 week midwife appointment. We were excited to see the baby. To be truthful, I NEVER thought having twins was a possibility.
We had to wait almost an hour for our ultrasound to even start. I remember being so hungry and ready to bolt. I just wanted to see a picture of the baby, but I hadn't eaten in a while, and we needed nourishment! Finally, it was our turn. I peeled back my overalls, lifted my gray T-shirt, and felt the jelly being applied to my abdomen. The ultrasound technician directed the wand back and forth for just a short period of time, and then said something like:
1. Here is one head. And here is another!
2. Well, looks like you are having twins.
3. Did you know you are expecting twins?
4. Are you only scheduled for one ultrasound? Because we are going to be here longer. You are having two babies!
I don't have a clue what she said. I just remember being completely overwhelmed by the fact that I had two babies inside of me! That was just the beginning.

To be continued...