Friday Funnies

Melina likes to tell me all about her day at preschool. She attends school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so usually, Friday is a day where we can catch up on what happened.

Apparently, at school yesterday, they started singing Christmas songs. She recognized "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" on the radio.

Melina: We sang that at school yesterday!
Me: Oh really? Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
Melina: No, Rudog, mommy. His name is Rudog, and he has a shiny nose.

Later on, when we were at the grocery store, we walked by the seafood counter. Melina pointed to the lobster tank.

Melina: Is that crab talking? (It was moving around in the tank.)
Me: That is a lobster and it is moving. It is alive.
Melina: Do people eat them?
Me: Yes, people eat lobsters, but you have to cook them first.
Melina: Do you cook them alive?
Me: Well, I think you put them in a boiling pot of water alive. I don't know, as I don't like to eat lobsters.
Melina: Well, mommy, I don't think I'd like to eat hamsters either.
Me: Lobsters, Melina, they are called lobsters.
Melina: Oh!
