Stumbling Around

Every once in a while, when I am done reading a blog, I hit the next button at the top of the page and see where the old internet takes me. Sometimes, I stumble onto some very good blogs. I found a great poetry site once, and a few full of wonderful photographs. I have also found quite a few family oriented blogs, similar to mine, that I enjoy reading. It is good to see other people struggling and enjoying the same things that I do.

Today, I stumbled across one of those sites but the last post occurred late in 2011. It got me thinking. What happened to keep this person from posting? She already worked full time as a teacher, so she didn't go back to work. Did they move, and she doesn't have the time to update? Or did something awful happen to them? I hate to dwell on the negative, so maybe instead they just had quadruplets, and are just too tuckered out to post something to benefit people like me. I'll never know, but I would like to know.

Which means that when I am done with this blog, I will let you know. And if I am incapacitated, will one of you dear readers hack into my account and write a final post? I would appreciate it. I don't want to keep all those random blog readers worried, you know.


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