Bad Catholic

While it isn't just a Catholic thing, keeping holy the Sabbath is amongst the list of things I don't do.  I guess you can call me a bad Catholic.  Go ahead and do won't bother me. 

Why don't we keep it holy and why won't it bother me?  Because Sunday is the day I get many things done.  Just today, we (as a family, so at least there was some quality time involved) cleaned the lower level of the house, made cookies for a party, and started on the laundry.  We read a couple of chapters out of a novel and got the backyard raked and somewhat ready for the winter.

In conjunction with my last post, if I can get all of this done on a Sunday perhaps the rest of my week will progress nicely.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

P.S.  Who's betting I can't keep my mouth shut for all of November?  I'm betting against myself at this point. 


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