Little Known Science Facts

I love science, really, I do.  I've loved the subject since I was a kid.  My parents bought me anatomical models to paint.  I owned a Gray's Anatomy Coloring Book.  I possessed a couple of boxes of different kinds of rocks, some of which were polished and bought from a museum, and I always avoided earthworms after a good rain.  I was more interested in looking at the little squirmy things up close when they were whole rather than after they'd been squished.  I don't really know how to explain what fascinates me about science, but something about the study of all these living things has a hold on me.

Except for bugs.  I have a slight problem with bugs.  Sure, it is cool that ants can carry so much more than their size.  And, I can appreciate the beauty of a butterfly, a bumblebee, or the praying mantis.  But this?  This link to a lovely little Cereal Leaf beetle in juvenile form?  This sight was so terrifying to me that I asked Tim to shut my account and turn off the computer for me.  I couldn't look at the screen long enough to click the close button.  I'm not ashamed to admit that horribly silly, but true fact.

The picture in the link above is copyrighted by Gilles San Martin, so I didn't share it here. I dare you to search for more, just as upsetting, photos.


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