Kitchen Pictures IV

And, we've got a floor!

When this kitchen renovation first became an idea in our heads, people asked us, What are you going to put on the floor? You have ceramic tile, will you use that again? I didn't hesitate much. I knew I didn't like the tile and that I preferred the look of hardwood. The rest of the first floor, save the family room, bathroom, and back hallway (the three places getting redone) are wood. A few people looked at me like I was crazy, and because I was trying to be cost conscious, the contractor hadn't even put wood down as an option on the estimate. In the end, I made him change that estimate.

Again, it's only a picture, and not a good one at that, but I think if you stood in my not-nearly-done kitchen right now, you'd approve of the wood floor.

Because the 1/2 bathroom  is right off the kitchen, the floor is the same in that area. The wood looks great there, too.

For the back hallway, we had a decision to make. The hallway leads in from the garage. (This picture was taken while I was standing practically in the garage.) It gets a lot of wet traffic, and we didn't think it would be a good idea for wood to be back here. So we actually went with vinyl! Good, old-fashioned, lay it down in one piece vinyl. It's always dark back there so it didn't matter what we chose. I don't like how it came out in the picture below, but in real-life, it looks fine. I'll like it better when the new paint (a bright neutral) is on the walls.


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