
My wish for you,
my friends,
is but one thing:
To find yourself.
The who, what, when, where, and why
of you.
Not me,
not her,
not the people who raised you or those with whom you work.
Not the you who hides beneath the blanket of family
or behind a wall of friends.
The one that sits up and shouts at the television.
The one who wants to wear pinstripe jeans
(even though they went out of style,
decades ago).
The one who prefers chocolate milk to red wine
and Velveeta to aged cheddar.
There is no way for me
to help you cross the void
and get you there.
Wherever there is.
I can cheer and clap and support you,
hope that your feet will alight
on the correct path.
But only you can take the steps
to scale the bridge
and find the person
who is ready,
and waiting.
