Nothing to Laugh About

I recently hurt myself. Not bad, but enough that I went to see an orthopedist. I knew what he'd say: that I had an issue with my pubic symphysis and possibly my IT band. Sure enough, that's what he said. Now, I need to do stretches every day. Plus, I need to ice my hip after my long run.

I don't have time for this nonsense. Part of the reason I run is that I can strap my shoes on and be out the door in no time at all. I get my therapy session in and over with and then move on to whatever else my day will bring. Now, I'm slowed down a bit. Which I guess just means I'm getting older.

Well, I was at the pool today, and I found myself recounting this little story about how I injured myself and what parts of me are hurting. To my surprise and delight, a new friend of mine (yes, I'm looking at you, Nikki) giggled after I spoke.

"You just said pubic," she said, a huge smile pasted to her face. And then another giggle.

Apparently, not everyone is getting older.

P.S. I must be truthful and say that I like that she giggled at the word pubic. It reminded me of so many other times in my life when the mention of just one word sent me into a laughing fit. So thank you, Nikki. Thank you.


Kelsey said…
It is not difficult to imagine exactly how that conversation played out - and it made me smile. :-)
Christina said…
Glad it got you, too!
Cup of Crazy said…
Maturity is not my greatest strength.
Christina said…
Maturity is not Tim's strength, either. Perhaps that was part of his draw. And maturity can be overrated at times, no?