One Month In

One month ago today, the kids walked out the doors of their schools for summer break. I remember thinking to myself that I wasn't ready for them to be home, that I needed more time, and I wondered how everything would get done over the course of the day. I knew how food would be prepared, laundry would be accomplished, and grocery shopping would be done. What I didn't know was how I'd ever get to my things: writing, running, reading, and generally taking care of myself and my psyche.

But I'm pleased to say that, despite already having been on three trips over the last month (one that included a week-long stay), I'm finding some time for me. I still find some moments to read, a little time to write, and I've been sure to get some good summer running in. I've even managed to carve out a block of hours to clean -- thanks to Tim and his willingness to take the kids out of the house -- because I find cleaning satisfying and therapeutic, and I prefer to do it alone.

We've got six weeks left in this summer vacation. That time includes three more weekend trips, playing with friends, days at the pool, and Melina's sixth birthday. And I'm guessing that by the end of it, the summer will have gone quickly, too quickly as they say, and I won't be ready for the kids to go back to school. 


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