More Little Melina
Aunt Tara used her real camera this time (a Nikon D90, because that's what it said in the image file's metadata) to capture an unbelievably cute photo of the unbelievably cute Melina. For you geeks interested in the rest of the metadata, here it is:

I wish to make something clear: the PJ's are red and gray --- not scarlet and gray. They say "Fire Chief" or something similar, and are completely unrelated to anything Buckeye.
Image Type: jpeg (The JPEG image format)For everyone else, here's Melina-bug, scaled to a more web-reasonable 1355x900 pixels (thank you, GNU Image Manipulation Program).
Width: 4288 pixels
Height: 2848 pixels
Camera Model: NIKON D90
Date Taken: 2009:12:24 10:04:41
Exposure Time: 1/60 sec.
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Flash Fired: Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected.
Metering Mode: Pattern
Exposure Program: Not defined
Focal Length: 34.0 mm
Software: Ver.1.00

I wish to make something clear: the PJ's are red and gray --- not scarlet and gray. They say "Fire Chief" or something similar, and are completely unrelated to anything Buckeye.