Nine. Really!?!
Nine years ago today, I became a mommy for the very first time. Doubly-blessed the first time over, I still remember coming home from the hospital with these babies who each weighed 5.5 pounds. I could barely tell the difference between them at that time, and we made sure to keep different color hats on them, as well as different clothes, so that we wouldn't mix them up. Eventually, we polished one of Zoe's nails red, and one of Talia's purple, and keeping them straight was as easy as looking at their hands. When twins are your first children, you have no idea how much work you are doing, and whether or not it is more work than it is for one baby. Our subsequent children, both singletons, were much less work, but I didn't know that until I actually had them. On the other hand, because Zoe and Talia always had each other, nap time, play time, and feeding time seemed easier with them. Some people have asked how "overwhelmed" we were with the twins. Again,...