Nine. Really!?!
Nine years ago today, I became a mommy for the very first time. Doubly-blessed the first time over, I still remember coming home from the hospital with these babies who each weighed 5.5 pounds. I could barely tell the difference between them at that time, and we made sure to keep different color hats on them, as well as different clothes, so that we wouldn't mix them up. Eventually, we polished one of Zoe's nails red, and one of Talia's purple, and keeping them straight was as easy as looking at their hands.
When twins are your first children, you have no idea how much work you are doing, and whether or not it is more work than it is for one baby. Our subsequent children, both singletons, were much less work, but I didn't know that until I actually had them. On the other hand, because Zoe and Talia always had each other, nap time, play time, and feeding time seemed easier with them. Some people have asked how "overwhelmed" we were with the twins. Again, you don't really know until you experience something else. But when I think about anything that has "overwhelmed" me, it isn't the amount of work that comes with raising twins (or anyone else for that matter). I have been completely and irrevocably overwhelmed with love for these two (and of course, their siblings).
I don't think I can put into words the number of ways my heart grew the minute these babies were placed in my arms. Yes, I loved them before they were born, but once I could really see, and smell and feel the tiny lives that were once inside of me, I was gone. I've been amazed at their beauty and kindness, their generosity and love for one another. I sneak hugs and kisses at every opportunity, and love snuggling right up to them, no matter how grumpy they might be. I still check on them every night before they go to sleep, and when the screen saver comes on -- the one that scrolls through our pictures from the past -- I stop and relive all those moments that have gone by.
It really is hard to believe that my little ladies are nine years old. I have less than a decade left with them in the house, and if I haven't started already, I need to make every moment count! Happy Birthday, Zoe and Talia!
Recent above, and not so recent below
When twins are your first children, you have no idea how much work you are doing, and whether or not it is more work than it is for one baby. Our subsequent children, both singletons, were much less work, but I didn't know that until I actually had them. On the other hand, because Zoe and Talia always had each other, nap time, play time, and feeding time seemed easier with them. Some people have asked how "overwhelmed" we were with the twins. Again, you don't really know until you experience something else. But when I think about anything that has "overwhelmed" me, it isn't the amount of work that comes with raising twins (or anyone else for that matter). I have been completely and irrevocably overwhelmed with love for these two (and of course, their siblings).
I don't think I can put into words the number of ways my heart grew the minute these babies were placed in my arms. Yes, I loved them before they were born, but once I could really see, and smell and feel the tiny lives that were once inside of me, I was gone. I've been amazed at their beauty and kindness, their generosity and love for one another. I sneak hugs and kisses at every opportunity, and love snuggling right up to them, no matter how grumpy they might be. I still check on them every night before they go to sleep, and when the screen saver comes on -- the one that scrolls through our pictures from the past -- I stop and relive all those moments that have gone by.
It really is hard to believe that my little ladies are nine years old. I have less than a decade left with them in the house, and if I haven't started already, I need to make every moment count! Happy Birthday, Zoe and Talia!