Zoe and Talia Discover Gmail

The girls have Gmail accounts that are used in conjunction with their library cards.  Up until now, they have had no use for an email account, so I have had their emails forwarded to me.  This works great in terms of the library:  I can see what they have checked out (I already know, since I am the one to take them) and when it is due.  We've saved ourselves some high fees this way.

Anyhoo, the girls have recently used their email accounts to send a couple of questions to their teachers over the weekend.  I still have the accounts forwarded, so I've been able to see the outgoing mail and response.  I like being in the loop.

Either the girls have forgotten that their email addresses are forwarded, or they don't care.  Because today, after they'd done some of their homework, I checked my mail to find this:


 and this:

and this:


Laura said…
Too funny! Question though-- John tried to open a gmail account this summer and couldn't, unless he lied about his birthday. Did you figure out a way around this for the girls? He's on yahoo now but would much prefer gmail (as would I)!