Waiting for Spring

Well, I had plans to run this morning, during the time Melina went to school. Usually, I consider that time sacred. Not that running isn't sacred, it is. But getting school work and writing done is much easier when no one is around. I am sure I didn't have to tell you that.

And I usually run on T/Th, but yesterday it was cold, windy, and rainy. I had no desire to step foot out the door, so instead I did aerobics. The workout is okay, but I never feel like I've actually done that much work. Hence the plan to run today.

I just looked at the weather forecast, though, and it ain't much better than yesterday. For a moment, I felt a bit sorry for myself. I'd not be able to cast my inner demons to the sidewalk today, unless I want to use the treadmill. Then, I checked Facebook and realized that many friends to the north might have a snow day today, and now, I am counting my stars and hoping the ice doesn't freeze and leave me with kids at home again (I saw them 3 full days over a span of 8 days past due holidays and snow days). Sorry, FRN, if they did, indeed call it for you.You can always move this way; the climate is a bit warmer on the whole, I think.

All of this gets me to thinking about one thing: Spring. I think it is time for it to arrive. It's easier to do everything in Spring, when the flowers burst forth and the sun begins to shine more. It's a small window of opportunity around here, that Spring is. It's a fleeting time before the summer comes (duh), and then the air gets too hot and thick with humidity, and the kids are put back inside because by golly, it's just too darn hot outside to play.

I love Spring, and I'd like to see it. Right about now.


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