Lovely Moments

The kids have this thing they do. They all get together and perform a show, usually at nighttime, just before bed. They call it the star show. I cannot really remember why they call it that, but the show usually includes some form of light, i.e. baby music toy with lights, shaking light saber, or flashlight. Something at the back of my mind makes me think the light involved in the show is supposed to be coming from the stars. Heck, it is nighttime, right?

Anyway, the show is usually painful to sit through. The kids have their dolls perform a skit or commercial, most of which doesn't make sense to us. If Aaron is involved, something odd will happen: strange made up words will show up or other things that make a 7 year old laugh and no one else. While Tim and I are thrilled that the kids use their imaginations and cooperate to bring these star shows to life, we usually hurry them along with the excuse that it is time for bed. I just admitted it. We are guilty.

Last night, the girls set up all of their Barbie dolls on what looked like a stage made of cardboard bricks.

And after Tim and I had put Melina and Aaron to bed, the girls said they had something to show us. The girls crawled under the table, while Tim and I looked at each other, rolled our eyes, and settled in for another star show.

Much to our complete surprise and delight, the girls started singing The Melody Within, something they are working on with their music teacher. Their little voices rose out from under the table, one mingling with the other, harmonizing when they needed to and sounding, literally, like the voices of two little angels. Tim and I smiled the entire time, and seriously, I was almost in tears. Why, you ask? Because I have been begging these girls to sing for me. I hear them in the bathtub and try to sneak a listen, but somehow, they know I am out in the hallway eavesdropping. They both have a gift, something I do not have, and I enjoy hearing their voices. Several times I have asked them to sing for me, and I have been politely denied.

After they were done, I gathered them up in my arms, and gave them both a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. I told them how lovely the song was, and that it was a complete surprise to me. "Mom," Zoe said, "That was the point!" And so it was.

At random times of the day, Melina blurts out "I love you, Mommy!" I cannot hear that enough. In the car yesterday, on the way to pick up Aaron, it was just the two of us. At first, I couldn't hear what Melina was trying to say. Finally, she whisper yelled, "Mommy, I just love you!"

Lovely moments like those from the girls and those from Melina make up for the sometimes lousy ones that come in between.


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