Over and Out*
Well folks, we're at the end of the year. I started out this year thinking that all I needed to do was surpass the number of blog posts from last year (and make it to 319 posts ) but then something changed (we all know what that was, and I am not going to rehash the topic). And since I wasn't doing any REAL writing, I told myself that I'd try to blog each day. Well, it worked. I might have missed a day or two here or there, but for the better part of 2015, I wrote down a few thoughts (or borrowed a picture to help me convey my thoughts). I don't have time to blog each day anymore. I need to keep the faith and believe that I will find more publishing success in the form of a short story or novel. I need to take the time to revise that short story and novel, and I won't do that by posting here each day. When will I post? I'm not sure. I have so much in my head--all the time--and as I've said before, writing is a form of therapy for me. (I also recently sai...