Some patterns are easy to spot. For example:
Like when the long hair under my chin will be so long that I can pull it off with a tweezer. By that time, the hair is probably observable to the innocent masses I encounter each day. You'd have thought someone would have said something.
Or the mold in the bathroom shower that will inevitably happen overnight. Of course this doesn't happen with regular weekly cleaning, which should in and of itself have a pattern, but doesn't. Thankfully, I clean like a fiend before guests come over, or they might be the unsuspecting victims in the whole game.
Or the change in menstrual cycle that is happening right now inside me. Sure, I know that approximately two weeks after ovulating, my period will arrive. But since ovulation has been all over the calendar, and I already have enough to put on that calendar, I haven't necessarily been writing down when ovulation occurs. It is difficult enough to remember to write down when I got my period and when it will probably rear its ugly head again. I carry ammunition in my bag at all times now, so that I am not caught unawares, like the 13 year old I once was.
Which I guess brings me to a pattern that I can identify in life, one that, while normal, can also be considered disconcerting. The pattern that at some point, the life cycle wraps around, and the independent adult becomes dependent upon the children they raised, if they had any. I'm thankfully no where near that stage in my life, but I can already see how the tides have shifted in my household.
That is a subject of another post, and perhaps someday I will address it, on another one of my introspective days, which today is not. Why? Because I have a chin hair to remove.
1, 2, 1, 2...Other patterns aren't that easy, but if you know what to look for or spend enough time thinking, you can find the answer. This is true about number patterns especially. For example:
2, 4, 6, 8...
A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B, C...
Circle, Square, Triangle, Oval, Circle, Square...
1, 8, 27, 64...What I'd like to do is to figure out the patterns that occur in my life, all the time. The patterns that I know are just bubbling under the surface, that aren't really concrete, but if I had the time to really look at the information, I'd be able to find a pattern and predict what will happen. Then, I might not be so surprised.
20, 50, 10, 40...
0, 4, 2, 3, 6, 3, 8, 5...
Like when the long hair under my chin will be so long that I can pull it off with a tweezer. By that time, the hair is probably observable to the innocent masses I encounter each day. You'd have thought someone would have said something.
Or the mold in the bathroom shower that will inevitably happen overnight. Of course this doesn't happen with regular weekly cleaning, which should in and of itself have a pattern, but doesn't. Thankfully, I clean like a fiend before guests come over, or they might be the unsuspecting victims in the whole game.
Or the change in menstrual cycle that is happening right now inside me. Sure, I know that approximately two weeks after ovulating, my period will arrive. But since ovulation has been all over the calendar, and I already have enough to put on that calendar, I haven't necessarily been writing down when ovulation occurs. It is difficult enough to remember to write down when I got my period and when it will probably rear its ugly head again. I carry ammunition in my bag at all times now, so that I am not caught unawares, like the 13 year old I once was.
Which I guess brings me to a pattern that I can identify in life, one that, while normal, can also be considered disconcerting. The pattern that at some point, the life cycle wraps around, and the independent adult becomes dependent upon the children they raised, if they had any. I'm thankfully no where near that stage in my life, but I can already see how the tides have shifted in my household.
That is a subject of another post, and perhaps someday I will address it, on another one of my introspective days, which today is not. Why? Because I have a chin hair to remove.