
That is one of the words I would use to describe my husband. Not because he is a pain in the neck, but because he gets headaches often. Little headaches, cluster headaches, and especially migraine headaches. Early on in our relationship, I discovered that Timmy would be out for the count due to a debilitating migraine headache. I can't stand the least bit of pain when it comes to my head, so I never could quite understand how he managed to get through.

But this time, the headache isn't his. It's Talia's headache.

For the second time this month, she has woken up with a pain in her head. The last time, it lasted for 2 days. We tried Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and cool washcloths, but nothing helped. Only time did. On the third day, it was gone. I spoke to the nurse at our doctor's office about Talia's headache. She said that migraines could develop this early, and if it happened again, to bring her into the office.

I sent Talia to school this morning, as she didn't have a fever or any other aches and pains that might indicate something else was wrong. Talia did say that she had a stiff neck. In any other case, I might get panicky and start thinking that meningitis was the problem, but again, there were no other symptoms, and I plan on watching her. Plus, Tim gets a stiff neck often, which then leads to a headache.

So what did we do for Talia this morning? I loaded her up with water (she didn't drink much yesterday, and perhaps this all stems from dehydration), Ibuprofen, and -- I can't believe I did this but caffeine helps Tim quite a bit -- some Pepsi. Pepsi for breakfast! What a mom I am! Luckly Aaron and Melina didn't notice what was in Talia's glass; Zoe noticed and sneaked a couple of sips from a different glass. I am sure this will go down as one of the best breakfasts in the history of our family, at least according to the girls.

I told Talia to call at lunch if the pain wasn't any better, and I will call the doctor in the morning and get her in if the pain continues. I just hope we aren't headed down the migraine road with her.
