Movie Review of Sorts

Despite the fact that Melina was sick yesterday, I went with some ladies to see the newest Twilight movie. I checked with Tim as to whether or not he wanted to be left with a sick Melina and 3 other children, and he said he didn't mind. Actually he said, "What is the worst that could happen? We all get sick and you come home to everyone on the couch. And the power is out." Thank you, Mr. Optimism.

Anyway, we headed to the matinee. A friend of mine picked me up, and while I hesitated about driving in her car and giving her GI germs, she had, just the night before, cleaned up a GI mess when one of the kids at the birthday party she was holding decided to get sick. I figured that we'd be even.

I haven't been to a full-pay movie in a decade. The last movie I saw in the theater, the first half of the 7th Harry Potter movie, was seen on a Tuesday night for $1.75. I couldn't believe it cost me $8 for a matinee, but I don't get out often, so in the end, I didn't care. The cost of concessions was even worse, but I treated myself.

After sitting through 15 minutes (!) of previews, the movie came on. Have you seen the other Twilight movies? The first one had two overriding themes: blue and bad makeup. I remember watching the movie in my family room and laughing! The acting wasn't very good, Bella's character was constantly huffing, and no one smiled! I guess living in a place where it rains all the time can do that to you, but I think the movie was perhaps a step above a B-grade movie.

The 2nd and 3rd movies, in my opinion, didn't get much better. There were things I would have put into the movie, to explain the story better to those that haven't read the books, and there were things I would have left out. The acting was slightly better -- perhaps because the actors were getting more comfortable in their characters, or, I had developed an immunity to the bad acting. Either way, my expectations for this movie were very low. Tim asked why I was going, then. My reply? I'd rather sit and laugh at the movie with friends than in my family room by myself!

Well, wasn't I pleasantly surprised! I guess the team had a bigger budget to work with, as the makeup was better, the sets and transitions seemed better, and the writing was also better. Theme here? Better, if you couldn't figure that out. The writers had injected some humor into the dialogue, and it worked. I was laughing at the movie, but not necessarily in the embarrassed for the actor sort of way.

I don't want to give anything away, in the event that you actually want to see the movie. One of the ladies I went with hadn't read any books, and she enjoyed the movie, too. The movie is only 1/2 of the last Twilight book, which makes complete sense. To try to make the entire book into one movie would have been disastrous. Luckily, the powers that be got it right as to where to end this first movie.

How many stars would I give the movie? I actually think it was a 3 star movie. I can't believe I said that, considering the other Twilight horrors that came before, but I'll stick with it. I hope they do as well with the 2nd half of the book as they did with the first.
