The List

Kelsey wanted to know if I was going to share what I actually did all day. While it doesn't make for the most interesting of reads, my list might actually make you feel better about yourself.

Please remember that I did not mention any bathroom time for myself. (And I must have forgotten about Shadow's bathroom time, as he appears nowhere on this list. I know he didn't hold it all day!) Also, you might say that I wrote some items down twice. But if I put away dishes from the drainer two times, at different times of the day, then those are completely separate instances. Therefore, put away dishes would be recorded twice. Furthermore, you might say, once you've read my list, that it was exhaustive. It was. When I made dinner, I broke the act of making dinner into the individual things I had to do. However, I thought that maybe the person that requested my list wanted me to account for every minute of the day. And so I did.

And here you have it:
  1. Get dressed.
  2. Make decaf coffee.
  3. Make Aaron's lunch, and get him breakfast.
  4. Make 1/2 of the girls' lunches.
  5. Make regular coffee.
  6. Put away pot from the night before.
  7. Put water on for pasta (2nd half of girls' lunches).
  8. Put away dishes.
  9. Eat breakfast.
  10. Read book for a couple of minutes while having coffee.
  11. Get Melina up, put her on the potty, get her dressed (I guess this is 3 in 1; I have a few of those).
  12. Wake the girls.
  13. Grab Aaron's clothes.
  14. Make breakfast for the girls.
  15. Give Ferdinand insulin.
  16. Put away lunch fixings and insulin.
  17. Pour in pasta, set timer.
  18. Put the mail out in the mailbox.
  19. Load the dishwasher with first half of breakfast dishes.
  20. Finish up lunches.
  21. Put away leftover pasta.
  22. Clear table, rinse dishes, load dishwasher with 2nd half of dishes, set dishwasher to go.
  23. Put Melina on the potty.
  24. Get my coat and go to the bus stop with the kids.
  25. Put uneaten English muffin in the fridge and get pasta for Melina's breakfast.
  26. Drink more decaf and read to Melina.
  27. Do Melina's hair and get cheese slices for her.
  28. Put Melina on the potty.
  29. Brush my teeth.
  30. Do the last of the breakfast dishes.
  31. Put kids' random shoes away, put Melina's socks and shoes on.
  32. Call Tara, get my shoes on.
  33. Help Melina brush her teeth.
  34. Get bag, purse, keys and get in the car to drop Melina off at school. Return.
  35. Turn on the computer.
  36. Walk to Tess's house, stay there for 40 minutes, come back.
  37. Put clothes away.
  38. Check email.
  39. Empty the dishwasher.
  40. Put random things away around the house.
  41. Write.
  42. Go to the library.
  43. Get Melina from school, put her on the potty and wash her hands.
  44. Start lunch for Melina.
  45. Get mail, hang up my coat.
  46. Settle Melina with lunch, and then make my own.
  47. Eat.
  48. Clean up dishes from lunch.
  49. Empty the sharps container (insulin needles).
  50. Sort through the recycling pile.
  51. Take Melina upstairs for nap.
  52. Collect upstairs garbage.
  53. Chop potatoes for dinner.
  54. Feed cats (dry food in the basement).
  55. Put dry dishes away that were in the drainer (from breakfast).
  56. Read.
  57. Check on potatoes, stir, season.
  58. Pull out recycling from my room.
  59. Start chocolate roses for book club.
  60. Pull out sausage to defrost.
  61. Get Melina up from nap and take to the potty.
  62. Finish up making chocolates.
  63. Change Melina into her standard uniform of halter dress, tights, and sparkly shoes.
  64. Let the kids in from school.
  65. Put away lunch boxes, wash up lunch box dishes.
  66. Get snack for the kids.
  67. Test Aaron on spelling and other homework.
  68. Give the girls math homework.
  69. Start pancake batter for dinner.
  70. Check girls' math.
  71. Make the pancakes, put in warm oven.
  72. Clean up pancake mess.
  73. Start sausage.
  74. Help Talia with piano.
  75. Check sausage, add water.
  76. Put Melina on the potty.
  77. Help Talia with piano again.
  78. Clean up back hallway.
  79. Fill lunch water bottles for the next day.
  80. Put more random things away.
  81. Load snack dishes into dishwasher.
  82. Wipe up spills at Melina's little kitchen.
  83. Pull out eggs from fridge.
  84. Put leftover dishes in drainer away.
  85. Make eggs, put into oven to warm.
  86. Help set the table.
  87. Eat dinner.
  88. Do dinner dishes (the kids cleared the table).
  89. Feed the dog and give him water.
  90. Make popcorn for after dinner snack for the kids.
  91. Refill our popcorn kernel container.
  92. Tie the other popcorn bag and put it away.
  93. Sign Aaron up for soccer.
  94. Blog.
  95. Fill Melina's water.
  96. Flush the toilet that someone forgot to flush.
  97. Get Melina ready for bed.
  98. Read Melina two stories and turn out the light.
  99. Give Ferdinand his evening dose of insulin.
  100. Clear the table of anything that got left out.
  101. Write.
  102. Shower and put pajamas on.
  103. Wipe counters, throw out trash.
  104. Brush teeth, get into bed, read.
  105. Turn out the light and go to sleep.

Monotonous. Mundane. Mine.

And it's all good.


T said…
A) Glad this wasn't for yesterday or handling sisters crises would have been on there way too many times and who in the world actually had to ask you for this list? I need to stop reading your blog, sometimes it annoys me and I'm not sure if I'm taking people's comments to you the right way. Since when did I appoint myself as your protector?

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